IBA Kreuzberg 2030
In 1984 ‘IBA ALTBAU‘, the first edition of Berlin‘s international building exhibition, was launched under the title ‘behutsame Stadterneuerung‘ (gentle urban renewal). Based on the early squatter movements of the 1960 and 1970s, IBA Altbau was conceived by Hardt-Waltherr Hämer as revitalization of existing building structures in central neighborhoods with a special focus on Kreuzberg. IBA Altbau became enigmatic for the emergence of citizan participation, self-construction and for the promotion of social and programmatic diversity. Following-up on the intention to build-up on the existing, IBA KREUZBERG 2030 develops strategies for an update on neighborhood revitalization. Under the overall topic of  ‘the modernist revival‘ this time urban densification with modernist building typologies is deployed as pro-active strategy for the design of multicultural neighborhoods inspired by international case studies. IBA KREUZBERG 2030 is conceived as a (fictional) experiment for the invention of future urban narratives.
Projects by Aaron Barnstorf, Laura Luetje, Pauline Peter, Alina Wilkending, Clement Barquet, Sebastian Gürtler, Quirin Dilling, Karoline Scheffler, Regine Selva Dietzfelbinger, Kathrin Beyer, Anastasia Lytvyniuk, Marco Cucuiu, Bryan Varela, Wassily Walter, Leonie Hagen